Monday, April 12, 2010

socialist or corporatist

what in god's name is a corporatist? it seems or at least somewhat sounds like the true definition of fascism, any one remember learning about Musolini and the black shirt fascists, the combining of corporate rule and government. keep ya eyes open children for the game is afoot and the end is almost within view, and definitely within sight.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

after being out of the loop for a bit, it is always good to be able to see things from a different perspective every now and again. people shouldn't get upset with president obama, people for the most part haven't gotten this vocal for Nixon, nor Ford, nor either Bush's, but rather the people that need to feel the heat of the dissention is the handlers of these individuals called PRESIDENTS. american presidents do not have authority to do a damn thing outside of executive orders, i have stated here in the past the key to the success and the timeliness of the agenda is through executive orders for when things stall or fail in congress, the "legitimate" course of action to enact legislation, no problem, just create an executive order. in facto replacing the kings decree, its the same damn thing, just a different name, keep an eye open for what the do, the handlers i mean and they are in your face, rahm, eric, timothy, and the devout communists, they control him, not he himself,

Friday, January 8, 2010


there seems to be some sort of projected confidence in present obama administration officials that these scanners are going to stop something when a device of some sort is found. it won't. but what it will do is test the resolve of people to do what they will, travelers, security staff, law enforcement, and those ner do wells who wish to harm folks, instead there nefarious activities will occur where ever and when ever they get a chance. the entry of the scanner could be the funnel they are going to start looking for, a suicide bomber blows himself up in a scanner, with a whole lot of people standing around and then something else is going to come along, all part of the plan boys and girls all part of the plan

Saturday, December 26, 2009


some folks actually think that what is read on some news sights relative to polls conducted showing that obama is at a lower than fifty percent approval by the american public, don't mean shit it doesn't, for the majority of americans or at near of fourty to fifty percent of americans are in the large metropolitan areas, and of those at the least fourty percent are on some sort of social program for their very existence and hence support for obama, when welfare mothers who don't show any gumption for finding employment and leave the sofa and have children on all the psychoactive medications to control them because its mandated by the agencies that support her or them with our tax dollars, there's no reason in their eyes, they are slaves and are just fine with that because they don't see the noose around their neck and as long as them types exist then there will always be this problem.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

major hasan

hopefully major hasan will get what he deserves for his actions in or on fort hood, and however our three or four brothers who are being charged with roughing up that iraqi jackass connected to the killing and mutilation of our brohters in fallujah do not deserve to so much as hear the proceedings of any thing, no article fifteen to make some happy, who the hell can actually charge them with anything considering the nature of that iraqi? i tell ya someone who hasn't done what they do, walk a mile in their shoes, most people couldn't walk a damn block, it took president obama too damn long to make a decision on a troop increase to afghanistan, but we have to have the health care bill now, now dammit now, and now interpol is given some sort of privileged operational status stateside, it is coming at us and the tempo is picking up. i say make an example of major hasan and excersise one of the punitive measures provided by the ucmj and execute his sorry ass

Tuesday, December 22, 2009


back in front of a computer and able to let my mind flow again i got one thing to say, the bs climate change summit in copenhagen is not what it is let on to be, but rather total control of the planet and us, the few hold out countries will be brought to rein in due time but the countries that had representation will be reined in first and guess who is set up for first, yep us. the situation is unavoidable in a way since the seventies when our economy was taken off the gold standard, well boys and girls prepare for a fight or prepare to bow and kneel

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

the recession/ bill clinton

the recession is not really a recession, but as said on a website i visited, a controlled financial demolition, and how about bill clinton going and 'securing' the release of the two journalists from north korea, all very smoky and mirrory